During church this morning we got to go to "children's church" and help with the babies from the Havens. Their singing was awesome and they actually incorporated a "name game" into a song for us all to sing together...in order to learn each other's names. I took tons of video of them singing their songs and dancing. I will have to show you the videos when I get home though bc we arent allowed to upload them on this server! but they are so precious!
this is the children's bible class teacher. she is amazing and as we like to say "she keeps the kids in check" and makes sure they participate
cute little boy reading his biblethey get out of their chairs a lot and do tons of singing and dancing to praise the Lord. . . I just LOVED it.
three little kiddos during church
At the end, their teacher asked if we had any songs we would like to sing.. so OF COURSE me, Kaylee, Jaimie, and Catherine darted to the front. We sang "deep and wide" "the hippo song" "I'm in the Lord's army" (we even sang the cowboy/Texas version. . . the kids laughed and laughed at that! haha) They LOVED our songs! We will def be going back next Sunday and helping with children's church again.
On the way to evening worship today, Kaylee and I were walking in the pitch dark down a muddy road with our flashlights. . . kind of freaking out about the mud and bugs and snakes situation and whatever else we could imagine popping out of the bushes in the pitch dark...haha (if you know us, then you know it is all in fun) meanwhile these three sweet younger girls from the school heard us walking talking about a "snake" and wanted to help us and walked with us the rest of the way to the chapel. haha We talked and learned their names and ages and all that jazz and did "the handshake" (special friend handshake they do here in Africa) and then they came and sat by us in church. They were all so nice! I knew most of the songs that were sang during church, but the songs I didn't know (the songs in Tonga) one of the girls translated for me. I love our new friends! and we are glad they saved us from the "dark and muddy road of death." hahaha
After church we got to witness 4 children get baptized on the mission! It was such an awesome experience. We walked down the road to a guest house to see about 5 gentleman filling a metal tub of water up. The water hose wasn't working so they were having to dump buckets into the tub one by one to fill it up. but it got the job done! :) Tub they were baptized in.
One of the men led an AMAZING prayer and me and Dr. Weaver both agreed it was a "LEGIT" prayer. haha. :) We have been teaching Dr. Weaver all kinds of new lingo while we have been here.
So happy to have four new brothers and sisters in Christ! YAY! What a perfect end to a perfect day!
It seems that everyone is feeling better. So far so good on week two starting tomorrow with no sick team members! yay!
Tomorrow we switch groups and Catherine, Kaylee, and I will be working with Caroline on swallowing/feeding. We are sooo excited to begin and to be learning new stuff! WOO HOO!
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