Thursday, June 17, 2010

STOLEN BLOG POST (with love!)

Today we had to go to the immigration office to renew our visas. They told us to be there "AT 9 HOURS" (9:00 a.m.). Well, they were not we were a little put out because we were ready to get to the haven and see our babies!
We actually did not spend too long at the immigration office because we made it to the Haven by a little after 10:00. Just in time for quality time with the aunties for our educational portion of feeding/swallowing.
The aunties seemed to understand the concept behind our ideas and ensured they would keep it up while we were gone. Miss. Pauline from haven 1 even shared her excitement with one of the girls saying that she was happy to have things to do during changing time with the babies.
Our crafts: bottle check, growth chart (flowers/suns), and changing time flyer
This was officially our final day of therapy in Africa. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of having to leave these babies. Tomorrow I am really looking forward to being able to just simply spend time holding each baby. Kay and I plan to take the pictures for our CAPSTONE project first thing in the morning so the rest of the afternoon can be dedicated to "baby holding". For now I better get some sleep, we have a busy/emotional day tomorrow that I must be well rested for!
*This blog post: compliments of Kaylee…what are friends for? We basically talk about the same thing. So there you have it blog readers hope you enjoyed!